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Le "Blanc"

From €1,00 incl. VAT
Instead of €3,00

Peignoire Blanc

"'So help me Heaven, and on my honour the story I have told ye, gentlemen, is in substance and its great items, true. I know it to be true; it happened on this ball; I trod the ship; I knew the crew; I have seen and talked with Steelkilt since the ...

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From €19,89 incl. VAT

Peignoire Brodé

Now, by all odds, the most ancient extant portrait anyways purporting to be the whale's, is to be found in the famous cavern-pagoda of Elephanta, in India. The Brahmins maintain that in the almost endless sculptures of that immemorial pagoda, ...

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Soins du corp

€56,90 incl. VAT

Coffret Massage aux huiles essentielles

I shall ere long paint to you as well as one can without canvas, something like the true form of the whale as he actually appears to the eye of the whaleman when in his own absolute body the whale is moored alongside the whale-ship so that he can ...

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€31,90 incl. VAT

Coffret Bain "détente et relaxation"

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From €768,00 incl. VAT
Instead of €960,00

Test avec options


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Carte 10 soins

Carte 20 soins

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